We consider as military monument’s heritage in Catalonia the ensemble of fortification works built in the Catalan cultural area during the historic period that goes from 1500 until 1945. These works are considered by the specific state laws and by the autonomic laws to qualify individually and generally as Bien de Interés Cultural, BIC (Heritage Cultural Property) or Bien Cultural de Interés Nacional, BCIN (National Heritage Cultural Property1).
What are these monuments? Where can they be found? What do they look like? What technique was used to build them? You will see how difficult it is to answer these questions. Additionally you will see the lack of interest by a large sector of society towards this part of our monumental heritage. The reality shows that this lack of interest comes from unfamiliarity.
It’s evident than in order to decide if we like something or not, first we need to approach it closely to be able to judge it. In that way, you will be able to have a clear personal opinion. Experience has taught us that opinions, about things and people, can change to positive or negative when we get to know them deeply. This is the main purpose of our Foundation. We invite you to see if this experience can also be true with the military monuments of Catalonia.